------------- ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΕΣΠΑ ΕΑΡΙΝΟΥ ΕΞΑΜΗΝΟΥ 2025 (4/3/2025) ---------------------

ΕΑ303 – Structural Art III

This course is an introduction to modern construction logic of the so-called "Lightweight building methods" with the application of light structures, interior partition walls made of plasterboard and other easily used materials and exterior lightweight wall hangings. The main topics include the analysis of principles and characteristics of lightweight structures and construction methods which, due to their materiality, allow an easy and fast application to the buildings.
Αναλύονται οι βασικές αρχές και τα χαρακτηριστικά των ελαφρών δομικών κατασκευών, οι οποίες εξαιτίας του βάρους τους επιτρέπουν την εύκολη εφαρμογή τους μέσα στα κτίρια.
The modern construction techniques of interiors, such as plasterboard partitions, cement board partitions, suspended ceilings and flooring, are analysed. Construction techniques and connection of light constructions with load-bearing structural elements of the building as well as other installations (electrical, hydraulic, network) are analyzed, adapting to lightweight components.
In the laboratory - design part students are requested to elaborate design issues related to construction details of various interiors, through several workshops or exercises


Code: ΕΑ303

Study semester: 3rd



Hours/week: 3

Specialty Courses (SC)

Workload / semester: 75

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