------------- ΠΡΟΚΗΡΥΞΗ ΕΝΤΕΤΑΛΜΕΝΩΝ ΔΙΔΑΣΚΟΝΤΩΝ ΕΕ 2024-25 (ΕΩΣ 17/2) ---------------------

ΕΑ504 – Architectural Conception with Computers II

It is the evolution of the course "Architectural Conception with Computers I". It is developed in parallel at a theoretical and laboratory level. It deepens in digital design issues in the architectural composition with a realistic representation approach.

Specifically, at a theoretical level, the concepts and techniques of creating and processing materials, lighting models, color models, adapting pixel-tiles to 3D surfaces, photorealization and movement techniques in different design environments are developed.

At the laboratory level, the digital design of an architectural composition is developed that incorporates, selects and critically uses the appropriate photorealistic representations that highlight the architectural space. At the same time, the production of autonomous or interactive drawing models (animation) in photorealistic models offers the possibility of a more complete spatial perception and highlighting of the forms, functions and structural elements of the architectural space.


Code: ΕΑ504

Study semester: 5th



Hours / Week: 4

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