ΕΑ605 – Interdisciplinary Approaches of Architectural Space
The course aims to raise awareness, adaptability and synergies between students and professors in a group and interdisciplinary study environment. The nature of the course allows the definition of a main theme subjected in multiple interdisciplinary approaches of architecture, which will involve many professors of different complementary specialties and will contribute to a holistic approach to the main theme of study.
In particular, each year the course will define, as a "core", a different subject (e.g. architectural composition, visual, construction, digital technologies, etc.), as well as the respective professor in charge who supervises the flow and the scientific approach to the study. At the same time, additional specializations of three other professors - "scientific advisors" (4 teachers in total) with different disciplines complete the interdisciplinarity of the study through different scientific perspectives. The temporal involvement of each professor is equal on a weekly basis, while their scientific contribution is adapted to the central scientific strategy and study that has been drawn up by the professor in charge.
The course enables either full employment of students in a single interdisciplinary study, or the creation of groups of students in individual sections of the study (analytical approach), with the aim of final completion / final composition of the study (synthetic approach).

Code: ΕΑ605
Study semester: 6th

Hours / Week: 4
Type: Specialty Courses (SC)
Workload / semester: 100
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