------------- ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΕΣΠΑ ΕΑΡΙΝΟΥ ΕΞΑΜΗΝΟΥ 2025 (4/3/2025) ---------------------

ΕΑ801 – Thesis

The Thesis is the final integrated synthetic subject of studies in interior architecture and has a research character. Its subject falls within the cognitive objects of the Department of Interior Architecture.
The Thesis is prepared individually or by a group of two students on a specialized topic under the guidance of a member of the teaching staff of the Department.
The Thesis takes place after the completion of most of the courses of the Department, and not earlier than the 8th semester of studies and has a duration of six months. Depending on the subject and the conditions of the elaboration, the dissertation can be extended for one semester.
The Thesis is presented orally and publicly during the examination periods of each academic year and are graded by a committee composed of faculty members of the Department.
The Thesis is the intellectual property of the Foundation. Its subject cannot be included in programs and requirements of institutions or in participation in architectural competitions.


Professor: Everyone

Code: ΕΑ801

Study semester: 8th

ECTS: 16


Hours / week:

Type: Specialty Courses (SC)

Workload / semester: 400

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