------------- ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΗ ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΕΣΠΑ ΕΑΡΙΝΟΥ ΕΞΑΜΗΝΟΥ 2025 (4/3/2025) ---------------------

ΕΑ401 – History of Art & Architecture ΙV

The education and the aesthetic cultivation of the students with the presentation and the study of the visual and the decorative arts, with emphasis on the analysis of the elements that composed each artistic style. Determining the goals of each creator, and his timeless contribution to contemporary art The presentation and study of the artistic movements and achievements of Art and Architecture of the second half of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st. The course builds a background for the many synthetic courses and especially contributes in the understanding of the contemporary art of the 20th and 21st century which combines painting, architecture and furniture.


Code: ΕΑ401

Study semester: 4th



Hours / Week: 4

General Infrastructure Courses (GIC)

Workload / semester: 150

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